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Number of items: 61.


Addo-Bankas, O. and Wei , T. and Zhao, Y. and Bai, X. and Esteve-Núñez, A. and Stefanakis, A. (2024) Revisiting the concept, urban practices, current advances, and future prospects of green infrastructure. Science of The Total Environment, 954. ISSN 00489697

Amador, P. and Vega, C. and Navarro-Pacheco, N.I. and Moratalla-López, J. and Palacios, J. and Crettaz-Minaglia, M. and López, I. and Díaz, M. and Rico, A. (2024) Effects of the fungicide azoxystrobin in two habitats representative of mediterranean coastal wetlands: A mesocosm experiment. Aquatic Toxicology, 267. p. 106828. ISSN 0166445X

Andrés-Bercianos, R. and Martínez-Hernández, V. and Meffe, R. (2024) Impacto de los usos del suelo y otros parámetros sobre la presencia de microplásticos en el suelo y en el agua subterránea: una revisión crítica. Revista de la Sociedad Geológica de España, 37 (1). pp. 56-75. ISSN 0214-2708

Ayala-Cabana, L. and De Santiago, A. and Meffe, R. and López-Heras, I. and De Bustamante, I. (2024) Pharmaceutical and Trace Metal Interaction within the Water–Soil–Plant Continuum: Implications for Human and Soil Health. Toxics, 12 (7). p. 457. ISSN 2305-6304

Aytaç, E. and Khanzada, N.K. and Ibrahim, Y. and Khayet, M. and Hilal, N. (2024) Reverse Osmosis Membrane Engineering: Multidirectional Analysis Using Bibliometric, Machine Learning, Data, and Text Mining Approaches. Membranes, 14 (12). p. 259. ISSN 2077-0375


Barbero, L. and Martínez-Hernández, V. and Huidobro, B. and Meffe, R. and De Bustamante, I. (2024) Soil amendments and water management to improve attenuation and recovery of wastewater originated nutrients through a vegetation filter. Journal of Environmental Management, 370. p. 122566. ISSN 03014797

Bizzotto, E.C. and Libralato, G. and Breda, S. and Siciliano, A. and Scanferla, P. and Vighi, M. and Marcomini, A. (2024) Toxicity and bioaccumulation of the fluorosurfactant cC6O4 in the earthworm Eisenia foetida (Savigny, 1826). Science of The Total Environment, 919. p. 170677. ISSN 00489697

Bizzotto, E.C. and Libralato, G. and de Natale, A. and Scanferla, P. and Vighi, M. and Marcomini, A. (2024) Uptake of cyclic C6O4 in maize and tomato: Results from a greenhouse study. Science of The Total Environment, 924. p. 171613. ISSN 00489697

Bouzidi, N. and Pérez-Blanco, C.D. (2024) A Dynamic Hydro-Economic Model to Assess the Effectiveness and Economic Benefits and Costs of Wetland Restoration and Creation. Ecosystem Services Journal. (Submitted)


Candela, L. (2024) Las hidrogeólogas en la Investigación y la Universidad. In: XI Simposio del Agua en Andalucía (SIAGA 2023) Cuatro décadas dándole voz al agua en Andalucía. Tomo I. Conferencias-Ponencias- Hidrogeólogas en el mundo profesional del agua. SIAGA, Granada, pp. 475-484. ISBN 978-84-09-58953-1

Chaparro , L.K. and Berná, A. and Boltes, K. (2024) Bioelectroremediation of a Real Industrial Wastewater: The Role of Electroactive Biofilm and Planktonic Cells through Enzymatic Activities. Toxics, 12 (8). p. 614. ISSN 2305-6304


Di Guardo, A. and Castiglioni, S. and Gambino, I. and Sailis, A. and Salmoiraghi, G. and Schiarea, S. and Vighi, M. and Terzaghi, E. (2024) Modelling micropollutant cycle in Lake Como in a winter scenario: Implications for water use and reuse, ecosystem services, and the EU zero pollution action plan. Science of The Total Environment, 906. p. 167594. ISSN 00489697


Escare, A.E. (2024) Metodología para la estimación de la huella hídrica en campañas de exploración de cobre en escenarios de variabilidad geológica. PhD thesis, Universidad de Alcalá.


García-Astillero, A. and Polazzo, F. and Rico, A. (2024) Combined effects of heat waves and pesticide pollution on zooplankton communities: Does the timing of stressor matter? Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 282. p. 116751. ISSN 01476513

García-López, M. (2024) El uso de bonos para la implementación de innovaciones en el sector del agua. In: Agua, agricultura y alimentación. Universitat d’Alacant, pp. 26-43. ISBN 978-84-1302-283-3

García-López, M. and Rodríguez, M. and Gómez, C.M. (2024) D4.12. OUTLOOK OF EXISTING FINANCIAL/ DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES (Fifth release, November 2024) Technical Report. Water4All (Water security for the planet) European Partnership (Horizon Europe Programme, Grant Agreement 101060874). Technical Report. Water4All (Water security for the planet) European Partnership.. (In Press)

García-López, M. and Rodríguez, M. and Gómez, C.M. (2024) D4.8. OUTLOOK OF EXISTING FINANCIAL/ DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES. Technical Report. Water4All (Water security for the planet) European Partnership (Horizon Europe Programme, Grant Agreement 101060874). Technical Report. Water4All (Water security for the planet) European Partnership.

Gashtasebi, A. (2024) Microbial Electrochemical Strategies for recovering nutrients after treating and re-using urban wastewater from a University Campus. PhD thesis, Universidad de Alcalá.

Gracia-Marín, E. and Rico, A. and Fabregat-Safont, D. and López, F.J. and Hernández, F. and Pitarch, E. and Bijlsma, L. (2024) Comprehensive study on the potential environmental risk of temporal antibiotic usage through wastewater discharges. Chemosphere, 346. p. 140587. ISSN 00456535

Grillo‑Avila, D. and Antón‑Pardo, M. and Armengol, J. and Puche, E. and Carballeira, R. and Moratalla‑López, J. and Palacios‑Abella, J.F. and López-Heras, I. and Crettaz-Minaglia, M. and Amador, P. and Rochera, C. and Picazo, A. and Mesquita‑Joanes, F. and Camacho, A. and Rico, A. (2024) Effects of the herbicide bentazone on the structure of plankton and benthic communities representative of Mediterranean coastal wetlands: a mesocosm experiment. Hydrobiologia. ISSN 0018-8158

Guardiola-Albert, C. and Bocanegra, E. and Cabrera, M.C. and Candela, L. and Carrera, J. and Chambel, A. and Foster, S. and Jódar, J. and Herrera, C. and Manzano, M. and Molinero, J. and Vázquez-Suñé, E. and Vilanova, E. (2024) Emilio Custodio: a pioneer in groundwater management and key reference for hydrogeologists worldwide. Hydrogeology Journal. ISSN 1431-2174

Gómez, C.M. and García-López, M. and Rodríguez, M. (2024) D4.7. VOUCHER SCHEMA FEASIBILITY REPORT. Technical Report. Water4All (Water security for the planet) European Partnership (Horizon Europe Programme, Grant Agreement 101060874). Technical Report. Water4All (Water security for the planet) European Partnership.


Hermann, M. and Polazzo, F. and Cherta, L. and Crettaz-Minaglia, M. and García-Astillero, A. and Peeters, E. and Rico, A. and Van den Brink, P.J. (2024) Combined stress of an insecticide and heatwaves or elevated temperature induce community and food web effects in a Mediterranean freshwater ecosystem. Water Research, 260. p. 121903. ISSN 00431354


Jemec Kokalj, A. and Kalčíková, G. and Selonen, S. and Bosker, T. and Drobne, D. and Dvorakova, D. and Hofman, J. and Hurley, R. and Kernchen, S. and Laforsch, C. and Loeder, M. and van Loon, S. and Redondo-Hasselerharm, P.E. and Saartama, V. and Šmídová, K. and Tsagkaris, A.S. and Zantis, L.J. and Nizzetto, L. and van Gestel, C.A.M. (2024) Strategy towards producing relevant and reliable data for the hazard assessment of micro- and nanoplastics in agricultural soils. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 172. p. 117567. ISSN 01659936

Jiménez-Conde, M (2024) Electrobioremediaton strategies for removing nitrogen and emerging pollutants in urban wastewater: the metland solution as tertiary and quaternary treatment. PhD thesis, Universidad de Alcalá.


Larrea-Murrell, J.A. and Álvarez, B. and Petre, A. and Salcedo, A. and Lugo Moya, D. and Rojas Badía, M.M. and Boltes, K. (2024) Presence of pharmaceutical contaminants of emerging concerns in two rivers of western Cuba and their relationship with the extracellular enzymatic activity of microbial communities. Environmental Pollution, 346. p. 123589. ISSN 02697491

Lezcano, M.A. and Bornemann, T.L.V. and Sánchez-García, L. and Carrizo, D. and Adam, P.S. and Esser, S.P. and Cabrol, N.A. and Probst, A.J. and Parro, V. (2024) Hyperexpansion of genetic diversity and metabolic capacity of extremophilic bacteria and archaea in ancient Andean lake sediments. Microbiome, 12 (1). p. 176. ISSN 2049-2618

Llorente, M. and Tejedor, S. and Manchón, C. and Berná, A. and Esteve-Núñez, A. (2024) Novel electrochemical strategies for the microbial conversion of CO2 into biomass and volatile fatty acids using a fluid-like bed electrode in a three-phase reacto. Microbial Biotechnology, 17 (1). ISSN 17517915


Martinez-Perez, S. and Schell, T. and Franco, D. and Rosal, R. and Redondo-Hasselerharm, P.E. and Martínez-Hernández, V. and Rico, A. (2024) Fate and effects of an environmentally relevant mixture of microplastics in simple freshwater microcosms. Aquatic Toxicology, 276. ISSN 0166445X

Martín-Suazo, S. and Morón-López, J. and Vakaruk, S. and Karamchandani, A. and Pascual, J.A. and Mozo, A. and Gómez-Canaval, S. and Vinyals, M. and Ortiz, J.M. (2024) Deep learning methods for multi-horizon long-term forecasting of Harmful Algal Blooms. Knowledge-Based Systems, 301. p. 112279. ISSN 09507051

Martínez-Megías, C. (2024) New approaches for assessing the impacts of chemical pollution and climate change in the Albufera Natural Park (Valencia, Spain). PhD thesis, Universidad de Alcalá.

Martínez-Megías, C. and Arenas-Sánchez, A. and Manjarrés-López, D. and Pérez, S. and Soriano, Y. and Picó, Y. and Rico, A. (2024) Pharmaceutical and pesticide mixtures in a Mediterranean coastal wetland: comparison of sampling methods, ecological risks, and removal by a constructed wetland. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 31 (10). pp. 14593-14609. ISSN 1614-7499

Medina, C. and Yousef, I. and Berná, A. and Puerta, A. and Esteve-Núñez, A. and Viñas, M. and Prenafeta, F. (2024) Characterization of melanin from Exophiala mesophila with the prospect of potential biotechnological applications. Frontiers in Fungal Biology, 5. ISSN 2673-6128

Mentzel, S. and Martínez‐Megías, C. and Grung, M. and Rico, A. and Tollefsen, K.E. and Van den Brink, P.J. and Moe, S.J. (2024) Using a Bayesian network model to predict effects of pesticides on aquatic community endpoints in a rice field – A southern European case study. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 43 (1). pp. 182-196. ISSN 0730-7268

Molina, S. and Landaburu, J. and García-Calvo, E. and Navarro, R. (2024) Chapter 8. Modified membranes Polymeric membrane formation by phase inversion. In: Polymeric membrane formation by phase inversionv. Elsevier. ISBN 978-0-323-95628-4

Moradi, M. and Gao, Y. and Narenkumar, J. and Fan, Y. and Gu, T. and Carmona, A. and Xu, D. and Wang, F. (2024) Filamentous marine Gram-positive Nocardiopsis dassonvillei biofilm as biocathode and its electron transfer mechanism. Science of The Total Environment, 908. p. 168347. ISSN 00489697


Noriega, E. and López-Heras, I. and Esteve-Núñez, A. (2024) Electroactive biofilters outperform inert biofilters for treating surfactant-polluted wastewater by means of selecting a low-growth yield microbial community. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 477. p. 135415. ISSN 03043894

Norling, M. and Hurley, R. and Schell, T. and Futter, M.N. and Rico, A. and Vighi, M. and Blanco, A. and Ledesma, J.L.J. and Nizzetto, L. (2024) Retention efficiency for microplastic in a landscape estimated from empirically validated dynamic model predictions. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 464. p. 132993. ISSN 03043894


Polazzo, F. and Hermann, M. and Crettaz-Minaglia, M. and Rico, A. (2024) Recurrent Heatwaves Slow Down the Recovery of a Phytoplankton Community. Ecology and Evolution, 14 (12). ISSN 2045-7758

Pompa, A. and Molina, S. and Cherta, L. and Martínez-García, L. and Landaburu, J. (2024) Treatment of Synthetic Wastewater Containing Polystyrene (PS) Nanoplastics by Membrane Bioreactor (MBR): Study of the Effects on Microbial Community and Membrane Fouling. Membranes, 14 (8). ISSN 2077-0375

Pradana, R. (2024) Generando biomasa con Aguas regeneradas: Oportunidad para la bioeconomía circular. PhD thesis, Universidad de Alcalá.


Ramírez-Moreno, M. (2024) Microbial Desalination Cells for fresh water production: towards the implementation of sustainable desalination Technology. PhD thesis, Universidad de Alcalá.

Ramírez-Moreno, M. and Berenguer, R. and Ortiz, J.M. and Esteve-Núñez, A. (2024) Study of the influence of nanoscale porosity on the microbial electroactivity between expanded graphite electrodes and Geobacter sulfurreducens biofilms. Microbial Biotechnology, 17 (1). ISSN 17517915

Redondo-Hasselerharm, P.E. (2024) Las ruedas de los coches, grandes emisoras de microplásticos. The Conversation. ISSN ISSN 2201-5639

Redondo-Hasselerharm, P.E. and Edo, C. (2024) Por qué es tan difícil evaluar la toxicidad de los microplásticos. The Conversation. ISSN ISSN 2201-5639

Redondo-Hasselerharm, P.E. and Rico, A. and Huerta Lwanga, E. and van Gestel, C.A.M. and Koelmans, A.A. (2024) Source-Specific Probabilistic Risk Assessment of Microplastics in Soils applying Quality Criteria and Data Alignment Methods. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 467. p. 133732. ISSN 03043894

Rico, A. and Crettaz-Minaglia, M. and García-Astillero, A. and Bizzotto, E. and Vighi, M. (2024) Fate and effects of a new generation fluorosurfactant (cC6O4) in freshwater mesocosms. Aquatic Toxicology, 268. p. 106866. ISSN 0166445X

Rico, A. and Redondo-Hasselerharm, P.E. and Schell, T. and Sanders , C.J. and Bernardino, A.F. (2024) Microplastic burial potential and ecological risks in mangrove forests of the Amazon River delta. Science of The Total Environment, 957. p. 177666. ISSN 00489697

Rieckhof, C. and Martínez-Hernández, V. and Holzbecher, E. and Meffe, R. (2024) Effect of particle size on the transport of polystyrene micro- and nanoplastic particles through quartz sand under unsaturated conditions. Environmental Pollution, 363. p. 125193. ISSN 02697491

Rodríguez-Sáez, L. (2024) Implementation of Recycled Ultrafiltration Membranes in Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) for Wastewater Treatment. PhD thesis, Universidad de Alcalá.

Rodríguez-Sáez, L. and Landaburu, J. and García-Calvo, E. and Molina, S. (2024) Application of Recycled Ultrafiltration Membranes in an Aerobic Membrane Bioreactor (aMBR): A Validation Study. Membranes, 14 (7). ISSN 2077-0375


Salvi Taga, R. G. and Meffe, R. and Martínez-Hernández, V. and De Miguel, Á. and De Bustamante, I. (2024) Amended Vegetation Filters as Nature-Based Solutions for the Treatment of Pharmaceuticals: Infiltration Experiments Coupled to Reactive Transport Modelling. Toxics, 12 (5). p. 334. ISSN 2305-6304

Salvian, A. and Farkas, D. and Ramírez-Moreno, M. and Torruella-Salas, D. and Berná, A. and Avignone-Rossa, C. and Varcoe, J.R and Esteve-Núñez, A. and Gadkari, S. (2024) Resilience of anodic biofilm in microbial fuel cell biosensor for BOD monitoring of urban wastewater. npj Clean Water, 7 (53). ISSN 2059-7037

Sánchez-Donoso, R. and Martins, M. and Tejedor-Palomino, M. and Esbrí Víctor, J.M. and Lillo, J. and Pereira, A.M. and Pinto, Á.M. and Relvas, J.M. and Martín-Duque, J.F. (2024) Geomorphic-based mine rehabilitation coupled with AMD chemical stabilisation in sulphide-rich ore deposits and soils: insights from a pioneering intervention at the Lousal mine, Iberian pyrite Belt. International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment. pp. 1-19. ISSN 1748-0930


Urrutia-Cordero, P. and Langvall, O. and Weyhenmeyer, G.A. and Hylander, S. and Lundgren, M. and Papadopoulou, S. and Striebel, M. and Lind, L. and Langenheder, S. (2024) Cyanobacteria can benefit from freshwater salinization following the collapse of dominant phytoplankton competitors and zooplankton herbivores. Freshwater Biology, 69 (12). pp. 1748-1759. ISSN 0046-5070


Valcárcel, Y. and Segura, Y. and Mozas, S. and Rico, A. and Lopez, I. and Martínez-Morcillo, S. and Motas, M. and Lertxundi, U. and Akhrimenko, V. and Orive, G. and Santos, O. and Rodríguez-Gil, J.L. (2024) LP-37 Surveillance of pharmaceutical and transformation compounds in coastal waters of the Iberian Peninsula. Toxicology Letters, 399. S378-S379. ISSN 03784274

Velázquez, D. and Cirés, S. and Casero, M.C. and Rautio, A. and Aromäki, M. and Ballot, A. and Camacho, A. and Convey, P. and De los Ríos, A. and Diez-Chiappe, A. and Fournier, C. and Kujala, K. and Lezcano, M.A. and Manso, C. and Quesada, A. and Rødven, R. and Terrado, M. and Urrutia-Cordero, P. and Wilmotte, A. and Workamp, K. and Wörmer, L. (2024) White Paper: Addressing the challenges of global warming for polar freshwater resources. EU-PolarNet.


Wei, Ting (2024) Developing modular constructed treatment wetland: the idea, the strategy and the reality. PhD thesis, Universidad de Alcalá.

Wei , T. and Zhao, Y. and Guo, J. and Ji, B. and Pun, Á. and Esteve-Núñez, A. (2024) Developing a novel lightweight substrate for constructed treatment wetland: The idea and the reality. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 57. p. 104587. ISSN 22147144

Wei , T. and Zhao, Y. and Zhou, M. and Zhang, Z. and Wei, Y. and Esteve-Núñez, A. (2024) Initial concept and embodiment to develop modular constructed wetland: A unique and promising solution to sustainability transitions in water management. Journal of Cleaner Production, 450. p. 141912. ISSN 09596526

Wielgat, R. and Kolodziej, A. and Candela, L. and Lisowska-Lis, A. and Jasielski, J. and Chlastawa, L. and Touhami, M. and Jaramillo, M.F. (2024) A Concept of Smart Agro-photovoltaic Tunnels. IEEE Access, 12. pp. 40765-40794. ISSN 2169-3536

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