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Number of items: 51.


Agha, R. and Lezcano, M.A. and Labrador, M.M. and Cirés, S. and Quesada, A. (2014) Seasonal dynamics and sedimentation patterns of Microcystis oligopeptide-based chemotypes reveal subpopulations with different ecological traits. Limnol. Oceanogr., 59 (3). pp. 861-871.

Alvarenga, F.M. and Amariei, G. and Gómez-Llano, R. and Guerrero, M.P. and Ortego, R. and Torres, S.S. (2014) Proyectos 2014 - Máster Universitario en Hidrología y Gestión de los Recursos Hídricos. Instituto IMDEA Agua. ISBN 978-84-697-1453-9

Arribas, P. and Khayet, M. and García-Payo, M.C. (2014) Self-sustained electro-spun polysulfone nano-fibrous membranes and their surface modification by interfacial polymerization for micro- and ultra-filtration. Separation and Purification Technology, 138. pp. 118-129. ISSN 1383-5866

Arribas, P. and Khayet, M. and García-Payo, M.C. and Gil, L. (2014) Novel and emerging membranes for water treatment by hydrostatic pressure and vapour pressure gradient membrane processes. In: Advances in Membrane Technologies for Water Treatment: Materials, Processes and Applications. Woodhead Publishing Ltd. ISBN 978-1782421214


Carreño, F. and García-Martínez, S. and Lillo, J. and Fernández-Martínez, R. (2014) Building a 3D geomodel for water resources Management: case study in the Regional Park of the lower courses of Manzanares and Jarama Rivers (Madrid, Spain). Environmental Earth Sciences , 71 (1). pp. 61-66. ISSN 1866-6280 1866-6299

Chary, N.S. and Herrera, S. and Gómez, M.J. and Fernández-Alba, A.R. (2014) Determination of hormonally active chlorinated chemicals in waters at sub µg/L level using stir bar sorptive extraction-liquid desorption followed by negative chemical ionization-gas chromatography triple quadrupole mass spectrometry. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 94 (1). pp. 48-64. ISSN 0306-7319

Corvea, J.L. and Blanco, A. and De Bustamante, I. and Farfán, H. and Martínez-Maqueira, Y. and Novo, R. and Díaz-Guanche, C. and López, N. (2014) Advances in Geoconservation in Cuba: Assessment of the Guaniguanico Range and Guanahacabibes Plain (Pinar del Río). Geoheritage, 6 (1). pp. 1-16. ISSN 1867-2477


De Bustamante, I. and Cabrera, M.C. and Candela, L. and García-Calvo, E. (2014) Reuso: Experiencias en España. In: Alternativas hídricas para la Macrozona Norte (Chile). Universidad Arturo Prat, pp. 67-77. ISBN 978-956-302-084-7

De Bustamante, I. and Cifres, E. and Argüello, F. and Cánovas, J. and Guerrero, L. (2014) New technologies: Non conventional water resources and information and comunication technologies. Technical Report. Forum Mediterraneen de l'Eau.

De Miguel, Á. and Meffe, R. and Leal, M. and González-Naranjo, V. and Martínez-Hernández, V. and Lillo, J. and Salas, J.J. and Martín, I. and De Bustamante, I. (2014) Treating municipal wastewater through a vegetation filter with a short-rotation poplar species. Ecological Engineering, 73. pp. 560-568.

De Paoli, Gloria and Delacámara, G. and Strosser, P. (2014) Addressing affordability concerns in WFD implementation. Resource document for the WG Economics. Technical Report. European Commission (WFD CIS Working Group on Economics). (Unpublished)

De Tomás, A. and Nieto, H. and Guzinski, R. and Salas, J. and Sandholt, I. and Berliner, P. (2014) Validation and scale dependencies of the triangle method for the evaporative fraction estimation over heterogeneous areas. Remote Sensing of Environment, 152. pp. 493-511. ISSN 00344257


Essalhi, M. and Khayet, M. (2014) Application of a porous composite hydrophobic/hydrophilic membrane in desalination by air gap and liquid gap membrane distillation: A comparative study. Separation and Purification Technology, 133. pp. 176-186. ISSN 13835866

Essalhi, M. and Khayet, M. (2014) Membrane Distillation. In: Progress in Filtration and Separation. Elsevier. ISBN 978-0123847461

Essalhi, M. and Khayet, M. (2014) Self-sustained webs of polyvinylidene fluoride electrospun nano-fibers: Effects of polymer concentration and desalination by direct contact membrane distillation. Journal of Membrane Science, 454. pp. 133-143. ISSN 03767388

EUROESTUDIOS, S.L., Fundación IMDEA Agua, Fundación CENTA (2014) Wastewater treatment method. Método de tratamiento de aguas residuales. WO 2014/140387 A1.


Farfán, H. and Corvea, J.L. and De Bustamante, I. (2014) First outcomes in the definition of groundwater protection zones at the Viñales National Park (Cuba) and surrounding area. Environmental Earth Sciences, 71 (1). pp. 3-11. ISSN 1866-6280

Fernández de Córdova, J. and Pascual, J.A. (2014) Approaching water management at watershed scale using distributed water balances in the Yanuncay River basins (Ecuador). Environmental Earth Sciences, 71 (1). pp. 53-60. ISSN 1866-6280

Fernández-Santamarín, A. and Gago, C. and Miralles, P. and Migens, A. and Mostaza, D. and Vivar, M. (2014) Proyectos 2013 - Máster Universitario en Hidrología y Gestión de los Recursos Hídricos. Instituto IMDEA Agua. ISBN 978-84-616-8388-8

Fuentes, M. and Vivar, M. and Aguilera, J. and Vacas, J.A. (2014) Diseño de un data logger de bajo coste usando Arduino. Aplicación para la monitorización de sistemas fotovoltaicos cumpliendo el estándar IEC. Parte 1ª. SolarNews (55). pp. 20-27. ISSN 1699-8405

Fuentes, M. and Vivar, M. and Burgos, J.M. and Aguilera, J. and Vacas, J.A. (2014) Design of an accurate, low-cost autonomous data logger for PV system monitoring using Arduino™ that complies with IEC standards. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 130. pp. 529-543.


García-Fernández, L. and García-Payo, M.C. and Khayet, M. (2014) Effects of mixed solvents on the structural morphology and membrane distillation performance of PVDF-HFP hollow fiber membranes. Journal of Membrane Science, 468. pp. 324-338. ISSN 03767388

Gutiérrez, C. and Pérez-Blanco, C.D. and Gómez, C.M. and Berbel, J. (2014) Price Volatility and Water Demand in Agriculture. A Case Study of the Guadalquivir River Basin (Spain). In: Economics of Water Management in Agriculture. Taylor and Francis Group CRC Press, pp. 319-348. ISBN 978-1-4822-3839-6

Gómez, C.M. and Pérez-Blanco, C.D. (2014) Simple Myths and Basic Maths About Greening Irrigation. Water Resources Management, 28 (12). pp. 4035-4044. ISSN 0920-4741

Gómez, C.M. and Pérez-Blanco, C.D. and Batalla, R. (2014) Tradeoffs in River Restoration: Flushing Flows vs. Hydropower Generation in the Lower Ebro River, Spain. Journal of Hydrology, 518. pp. 130-139. ISSN 0022-1694


Herrera, S. and Hernando, M.D. and García-Calvo, E. and Fernández-Alba, A.R. and Ulaszewska, M.M. (2014) Simultaneous screening of targeted and non-targeted contaminants using an LC-QTOF-MS system and automated MS/MS library searching. Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 49 (9). pp. 878-893. ISSN 10765174


Iepure, S. and Meffe, R. and Carreño, F. and Rasines-Ladero, R. and De Bustamante, I. (2014) Geochemical, geological and hydrological influence on ostracod assemblages distribution in the hyporheic zone of two Mediterranean rivers in central Spain. International Review of Hydrobiology (99). pp. 435-449.


Jacobi, P.R. and De Stefano, L. and López-Gunn, E. and Solanes, M. and Delacámara, G. and Marín, G. and Embid, A. and Empinotti, V. and Donoso, G. and Rica, M. and Uribe, N. and Jiménez, A. and Blanco, E. (2014) Reforming Water Governance Institutions. In: Water for Food and Wellbeing in Latin America and the Caribbean. Social and Environmental Implications for a Globalized Economy. Routledge (Earthscan), pp. 285-315. ISBN 978-0-415-71368-9


Kiai, H. and García-Payo, M.C. and Hafidi, A. and Khayet, M. (2014) Application of membrane distillation technology in the treatment of table olive wastewaters for phenolic compounds concentration and high quality water production. Chemical Engineering and Processing, 86. pp. 153-161. ISSN 02552701


Lado, J.J. (2014) Study of Asymmetric Capacitive Deionization Cells for Water Treatment Applications. PhD thesis, University of Alcalá.

Lado, J.J. and Pérez-Roa, R. and Wouters, J.J. and Tejedor-Tejedor, M.I. and Anderson, M.A. (2014) Evaluation of Operational Parameters for a Capacitive Deionization Reactor Employing Asymmetric Electrodes. Separation and Purification Technology, 133. pp. 236-245.

Leal, M. and Lillo, J. and Márquez, Á. (2014) Assessment of groundwater circulation in La Gomera aquifers (Canary Islands, Spain) from their hydrochemical features. Environmental Earth Sciences, 71 (1). pp. 23-30.

Lillo, J. and Oyarzun, R. and Esbrí, J.M. and García-Lorenzo, M.L. and Higueras, P. (2014) Pb–Zn–Cd–As Pollution in Soils Affected by Mining Activities in Central and Southern Spain: A Scattered Legacy Posing Potential Environmental and Health Concerns. In: The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 1-31.


Martínez-Graña, A.M and Goy, J.L. and De Bustamante, I. and Zazo, C. (2014) Characterization of environmental impact on resources, using strategic assessment of environmental impact and management of natural spaces of “Las Batuecas-Sierra de Francia” and “Quilamas” (Salamanca, Spain). Environmental Earth Sciences, 71 (1). pp. 39-51. ISSN 1866-6280

Martínez-Hernández, V. and Meffe, R. and Herrera, S. and Arranz, E. and De Bustamante, I. (2014) Sorption/desorption of non-hydrophobic and ionisable pharmaceutical and personal care products from reclaimed water onto/from a natural sediment. Science of The Total Environment, 472. pp. 273-281. ISSN 00489697

Meffe, R. and De Bustamante, I. (2014) Emerging organic contaminants in surface water and groundwater: A first overview of the situation in Italy. Science of The Total Environment, 481. pp. 280-295. ISSN 00489697

Meffe, R. and Kohfahl, C. and Hamann, E. and Greskowiak , J. and Massmann, G. and Dünnbier, U. and Pekdeger, A. (2014) Fate of para-toluenesulfonamide (p-TSA) in groundwater under anoxic conditions: modelling results from a field site in Berlin (Germany). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 21. pp. 568-583. ISSN 0944-1344

Molina, S. and Carretero, P. and Teli, S.B. and De la Campa, J.G. and Lozano, Ángel E. and De Abajo, J. (2014) Hydrophilic porous asymmetric ultrafiltration membranes of aramid-g-PEO copolymers. Journal of Membrane Science, 454. pp. 233-242. ISSN 03767388

Moreno, E. and García-Calvo, E. (2014) Conociendo el "Gas Natural". Actualidad y perspectivas. Instituto IMDEA Agua. ISBN 978-84-616-8423-6


Pascual, J.A. and Andreu, V. and Vázquez, P. and Picó, Y. (2014) Presence and spatial distribution of emerging contaminants (drugs of abuse) in protected agroecological systems (L’Albufera de Valencia Coastal Wetland, Spain). Environmental Earth Sciences, 71 (1). pp. 31-37. ISSN 1866-6280

Pérez-Blanco, C.D. (2014) Economic Instruments for Water Management in Spanish Mediterranean Basins. PhD thesis, Universidad de Alcalá.

Pérez-Blanco, C.D. and Gómez, C.M. (2014) Drought management plans and water availability in agriculture: A risk assessment model for a Southern European basin. Weather and Climate Extremes, 4. pp. 11-18. ISSN 2212-0947

Pérez-Blanco, C.D. and Gómez, C.M. (2014) Insuring water: a practical risk management option in water-scarce and drought-prone regions? Water Policy, 16 (2). pp. 244-263. ISSN 1366-7017

Pérez-Blanco, C.D. and Gómez, C.M. (2014) An Integrated Risk Assessment Model for the Implementation of Drought Insurance Markets in Spain. FEEM Working Paper (062).


Rodrigo, J.F. and Boltes, K. and Esteve-Núñez, A. (2014) Microbial-electrochemical bioremediation and detoxification of dibenzothiophene-polluted soil. Chemosphere, 101. pp. 61-65. ISSN 00456535


Santiago-Morales, J. and Rosal, R. and Hernando, M.D. and Ulaszewska, M.M. and García-Calvo, E. and Fernández-Alba, A.R. (2014) Fate and transformation products of amine-terminated PAMAM dendrimers under ozonation and irradiation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 266. pp. 102-113. ISSN 03043894

Sanz, J.M. and De Miguel, Á. and De Bustamante, I. and De Tomás, A. and Goy, J.L. (2014) Technical, financial and location criteria for the design of Land Application System Treatment. Environmental Earth Sciences, 71 (1). pp. 13-21. ISSN 1866-6280 (Print) 1866-6299 (Online)

Shah, V. and Gonzalo, S. and Llaneza, V. and Pulido-Reye, G. and Fernández-Piñas, F. and Bonzongo, J.C. and Leganés, F. and Rosal, R. and García-Calvo, E. and Rodea-Palomares, I. (2014) A Colloidal Singularity Reveals the Crucial Role of Colloidal Stability for Nanomaterials In-Vitro Toxicity Testing: nZVI-Microalgae Colloidal System as a Case Study. PLoS ONE, 9 (10). e109645. ISSN 1932-6203


Vivar, M. (2014) Clean Water PV Sensors. In: Proyectos 2013 - Máster Universitario en Hidrología y Gestión de los Recursos Hídricos. Instituto IMDEA Agua. ISBN 978-84-616-8388-8

Vivar, M. and Fuentes, M. and Norton, M. and Makrides, G. and De Bustamante, I. (2014) Estimation of sunshine duration from the global irradiance measured by a photovoltaic silicon solar cell. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 36. pp. 26-33. ISSN 13640321


Wang, Z. and Wang, Y. and Vivar, M. and Fuentes, M. and Zhu, L. and Qin, L. (2014) Photovoltaic and photocatalytic performance study of SOLWAT system for the degradation of Methylene Blue, Acid Red 26 and 4-Chlorophenol. Applied Energy, 120. pp. 1-10. ISSN 03062619

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