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Al-Salmi, M. and Laqbaqbi, M. and Al-Obaidani, S. and Al-Maamari, R.S. and Khayet, M. and Al-Abri, M. (2020) Application of membrane distillation for the treatment of oil field produced water. Desalination, 494. p. 114678. ISSN 00119164
Carreño, F. and García-Martínez, S. and Lillo, J. and Fernández-Martínez, R. (2013) 3D Detrital Aquifer Modelling for Water Resources Management of the Regional Park of the Lower Courses of Manzanares and Jarama Rivers (Madrid, Spain). In: Management of Water Resources in Protected Areas. Environmental Earth Sciences . SPRINGER, pp. 161-170. ISBN 978-3-642-16329-6; 978-3-642-16330-2
Carreño, F. and Sipols, A.E. and De Blas, C.S. and Mostaza-Colado, D. (2021) A Forecast Model Applied to Monitor Crops Dynamics Using Vegetation Indices (NDVI). Applied Sciences, 11 (4). p. 1859. ISSN 2076-3417
Corvea, J.L. and Martínez-Maqueira, Y. and Blanco, A. and De Bustamante, I. and Sanz, J.M. (2013) Wastewater Problems in Rural Communities, Their Influence on Sustainable Management in Protected Areas. In: Management of Water Resources in Protected Areas. Environmental Earth Sciences . SPRINGER, pp. 3-10. ISBN 978-3-642-16329-6; 978-3-642-16330-2 (ebook)
Dargam, F. and Perz, E. and Bergmann, S. and Rodionova, E. and Sousa, P. and Andrade de Souza, F.A. and Matias, T. and Ortiz, J.M. and Esteve-Núñez, A. and Ródenas, P. and Zamora, P. (2020) Supporting Operational Decisions on Desalination Plants from Process Modelling and Simulation to Monitoring and Automated Control with Machine Learning. In: Decision Support Systems X - Cognitive Decision Support System and Technologies”. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP_DSS) (384). Springer International Publishing, Switzerland. ISBN 978-3-030-46223-9
Dargam, F. and Perz, E. and Bergmann, S. and Rodionova, E. and Sousa, P. and Souza, F.A.A. and Matias, T. and Ortiz, J.M. and Esteve-Núñez, A. and Ródenas, P. and Zamora, P. (2023) Operational Decision-Making on Desalination Plants: From Process Modelling and Simulation to Monitoring and Automated Control With Machine Learning. International Journal of Decision Support System Technology (IJDSST), 15 (2). pp. 1-20. ISSN 1941-6296
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De Bustamante, I. and Iglesias, J.A. and López-Camacho, B. (2009) Los viajes de agua en la Cuenca de Madrid. In: Las galerías drenantes en España: análisis y selección de qanat(s). Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino, pp. 145-159. ISBN 978-84-8320-453-5
De Miguel, Á. and Meffe, R. and Leal, M. and González-Naranjo, V. and Martínez-Hernández, V. and Lillo, J. and Salas, J.J. and Martín, I. and De Bustamante, I. (2014) Treating municipal wastewater through a vegetation filter with a short-rotation poplar species. Ecological Engineering, 73. pp. 560-568.
De Miguel, Á. and Sanz, J.M. and De Bustamante, I. and De Tomás, A. and Goy, J.L. (2013) Wastewater Treatment and Reuse as a Tool for the Social and Environmental Improvement of Populations Within Protected Environments. In: Management of Water Resources in Protected Areas. Environmental Earth Sciences . SPRINGER, pp. 11-20. ISBN 978-3-642-16329-6; 978-3-642-16330-2
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Farfán, H. and Corvea, J.L. and De Bustamante, I. (2013) Assessment of Groundwater Protection Zones at the Viñales National Park, Cuba. In: Management of Water Resources in Protected Areas. Environmental Earth Sciences . SPRINGER, pp. 103-112. ISBN 978-3-642-16329-6; 978-3-642-16330-2
Fernandez-Tapia, E. (2015) Las galerías drenantes en Alcalá de Henares. PhD thesis, Universidad de Alcalá.
Fernandez-Tapia, E. and Da Casa, F. and De Bustamante, I. (2013) Los viajes de agua de Alcalá de Henares: las galerías del centro peninsular. In: Las galerías de agua en la region noroccidental de Túnez. Patrimonio hidraulico mediterráneo. Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores - AECI, pp. 159-174. ISBN 978-84-370-9191-4
Fernandez-Tapia, E. and Da Casa, F. and De Bustamante, I. (2012) The historical fountains of Alcalá de Henares and water supply, a heritage to recover in a sustainable manner. In: Heritage 2012. Green Lines Institute, pp. 501-510. ISBN 978-989-95671-5-3; 978-989-95671-8-4.
Fernández de Córdova, J. and Pascual, J.A. (2013) Estimation of Water Excess in the Medium and High Basins of Yanuncay River (Cuenca-Ecuador) by Approximation of Monthly: Distributed Water Balance. In: Management of Water Resources in Protected Areas. Environmental Earth Sciences . SPRINGER, pp. 121-128. ISBN 978-3-642-16329-6; 978-3-642-16330-2
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Leal, M. and Lillo, J. and Márquez, Á. (2013) Hydrochemical Evaluation of La Gomera Aquifers (Canary Islands) and its Relationship to Garajonay National Park. In: Management of Water Resources in Protected Areas. Environmental Earth Sciences . SPRINGER, pp. 243-252. ISBN 978-3-642-16329-6; 978-3-642-16330-2
López-Vargas, A. (2019) Development of lox-cost equipment based on open source tools. PhD thesis, Universidad de Jaén.
López-Vargas, A. and Fuentes, M. and Vivar, M. (2020) Challenges and Opportunities of the Internet of Things for Global Development to Achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. IEEE Access, 8. pp. 37202-37213. ISSN 2169-3536
López-Vargas, A. and Fuentes, M. and Vivar, M. (2021) Current challenges for the advanced mass scale monitoring of Solar Home Systems: A review. Renewable Energy, 163. pp. 2098-2114. ISSN 09601481
Maalige R., N. and Aruchamy, K. and Polishetti, V. and Halakarni, M. and Mahto, A. and Mondal, D. and Nataraj, S.K. (2021) Restructuring thin film composite membrane interfaces using biopolymer as a sustainable alternative to prevent organic fouling. Carbohydrate Polymers, 254. p. 117297. ISSN 01448617
Mahto, A. and Aruchamy, K. and Meena, R. and Kamali, M. and Nataraj, S.K. and Aminabhavi, T.M. (2021) Forward osmosis for industrial effluents treatment – sustainability considerations. Separation and Purification Technology, 254. p. 117568. ISSN 13835866
Martínez-Graña, A.M and Goy, J.L. and De Bustamante, I. and Zazo, C. (2013) Environmental Impact of Human Activities on Water Resources and Its Characterization for Management and Planning of Natural Areas “Las Batuecas-Sierra Francia” and “Quilamas” (Salamanca, Spain). In: Management of Water Resources in Protected Areas. Environmental Earth Sciences . SPRINGER, pp. 39-46. ISBN 978-3-642-16329-6; 978-3-642-16330-2
Mruthunjayappa, M.H. and Sharma, V.T. and Dharmalingam, K. and Nataraj, S.K. and Mondal, D. (2020) Engineering a Biopolymer-Based Ultrafast Permeable Aerogel Membrane Decorated with Task-Specific Fe–Al Nanocomposites for Robust Water Purification. ACS Applied Bio Materials, 3 (8). pp. 5233-5243. ISSN 2576-6422
Naranjo, M.F. and Breña, A. (2013) Aquifer Recharge Capacity in the Protected Area South of the Basin of Mexico. In: Management of Water Resources in Protected Areas. Environmental Earth Sciences . SPRINGER, pp. 187-194. ISBN 978-3-642-16329-6; 978-3-642-16330-2
Navarro, M. and De Bustamante, I. (2013) Systems Design of Wastewater Treatment by Extensive Purification Technologies: Application in Chiapas, Mexico. In: Management of Water Resources in Protected Areas. Environmental Earth Sciences . SPRINGER, pp. 21-28. ISBN 978-3-642-16329-6; 978-3-642-16330-2
Pascual, J.A. and Andreu, V. and Vázquez, P. and Picó, Y. (2013) Presence of Illicit Drugs in Surface Waters of Protected Natural Wetlands Connected to Traditional Irrigation Systems and Urban Areas. In: Management of Water Resources in Protected Areas. Environmental Earth Sciences . SPRINGER, pp. 277-283. ISBN 978-3-642-16329-6; 978-3-642-16330-2
Payano, R. and Pascual, J.A. (2013) Obtaining Hydrological Indicators by Analysing the Flow Conversion of Rainfall in Basins of the Mediterranean Coastline, Alicante Province, Spain. In: Management of Water Resources in Protected Areas. Environmental Earth Sciences . SPRINGER, pp. 195-202. ISBN 978-3-642-16329-6; 978-3-642-16330-2
Pichel, N. and Vivar, M. and Fuentes, M. (2021) Comparative analysis of the SolWat photovoltaic performance regarding different PV technologies and hydraulic retention times. Applied Energy, 292. p. 116902. ISSN 03062619
Pichel, N. and Vivar, M. and Fuentes, M. (2017) Performance study of a hybrid photovoltaic and solar water disinfection system considering climatic variations over a year. Energy Conversion and Management, 144. pp. 312-321. ISSN 0196-8904
Pompa, Á.G. (2022) Redes de sensores de medición continua de parámetros de calidaddel agua relacionados con la potencial presencia de cianobacterias. Elsistema de monitorización del proyecto CianoMOD. In: Cuadernos de Geomática (8). Procedimientos para el análisis de parámetros de calidad de aguas continentales relacionados con los afloramientos de Cianobacterias. Instituto IMDEA Agua, Centro para el Conocimiento del Paisaje, pp. 79-96. ISBN 978-84-09-36487-9
Instituto IMDEA Agua (2022) Monitor-Cianomod: Plataforma software de monitorizacion de afloramiento de algas y cianobacterias. REGISTRO DE LA PROPIEDAD INTELECTUAL. Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte. REGAGE22e00012011734.
Rahman, A.F.H.A. and Khushairi, Z.A. and Seman, M.Z.A. and Khayet, M. (2021) Optimization of UV-photografting factors in preparation of polyacrylic-polyethersulfone forward osmosis membrane using response surface methodology. Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 38 (11). pp. 2313-2323. ISSN 0256-1115
Ramírez-Moreno, M. and Ródenas, P. and Aliaguilla, M. and Bosch-Jiménez, P. and Borrás, E. and Zamora, P. and Ortiz, J.M. and Esteve-Núñez, A. (2021) Celdas de desalinización microbiana: producción de agua potable con bajo coste energético. In: Octavas Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores de la Universidad de Alcalá (Ciencias, Ciencias de la Salud e Ingenierías). Editorial Universidad de Alcalá, Alcalá de Henares, pp. 227-234. ISBN 978-84-18-25450-5
Sabzekar, M. and Pourafshari Chenar, M. and Maghsoud, Z. and Mostaghisi, O. and García-Payo, M.C. and Khayet, M. (2021) Cyclic olefin polymer as a novel membrane material for membrane distillation applications. Journal of Membrane Science, 621. p. 118845. ISSN 03767388
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